Wednesday 30 July 2014


work employement terra
Terra Consultancy is proud of the work we have done to enhance the employability of Deaf people over the years, We act as a ’bridge’ between employers and Deaf employees and provide practical guidance in developing effective communication strategies, as well as assisting with Access to Work applications, providing Communication Support Workers and BSL Interpreters in the workplace and Deaf Awareness Training.
When a Deaf client came to us last month for advice after being dismissed from work, we helped clarify the disciplinary meeting notes and supported them through the Appeal process, including providing a BSL interpreter for the formal Appeal meeting. Because the client was better able to challenge a mistake and explain the misunderstanding, the original decision to dismiss was overturned with a promise of better communication in future through Access to Work support and they got their job back – brilliant news!
For more on what we do related to employment, visit

Tuesday 29 July 2014


We want your feedback and comments!
For Organisational/Company: click here
For deaf clients: click here


At Terra Signing Academy we have highly qualified and experienced tutors and trainers offering a wide range of courses. We are proud to have helped so many students learn and develop their British Sign Language skills and spread this beautiful visual language far and wide, as well as encouraging better Deaf Awareness through our training courses.
Throughout the long and busy summer, we have already been working hard on preparing our Autumn schedule of BSL courses.
We are delighted to be able to offer a number of Signature qualification courses including:
  • BSL Level 1
  • BSL Level 2
  • BSL Level 3
  • BSL NVQ Level 6
  • Deaf Awareness Training
To find out more, please visit and complete the enquiry form. We will contact you with full details and costs by reply. 


To watch this video in International Sign Language, please click below:
Are you a Deaf Business Owner?
If the answer is YES, we would be delighted for you to get in touch if you would be interested in presenting your story to our guests at the
Deaf Christmas Business Show 2014
Saturday 6th December 2014, 6.00pm – 11.00pm
The Clerkenwell Centre, 61 Lever Street, London EC1V 3AR
As a Deaf Business owner, you may know from experience that Deaf and Disabled people are experiencing barriers of access to education, employment and setting up businesses. This event was created to do something positive about the situation. Our dedication made it successful and it become a popular Deaf social event. It generates a positive employment and business message.The event always is a great opportunity for Deaf, hard of hearing and disabled people to network and be motivated by Deaf role models like you!
DBXS presenter stage plain
This is the fourth yearand it will be held in another fantastic new venue in Central London near Old Street. We would like you to be part of an exciting programme of presentations to share your experiences, tips and advice about setting up a business. What was your background before your business idea? What made you decide to go for it and reach for your dream? What barriers did you face and how did you remove them? What support did you get along the way and from who?
We hope you will be interested in joining us and will get in touch to discuss your presentation ideas. We can provide free tickets for you and one guest to enjoy a fantastic event in London, and also cover some of your expenses. You will have an opportunity to reach new customers and we can help each other to promote and grow our businesses.
For information on previous year’s events please visit:
You can also read an independent write-up about the 2012 event at
We also have more videos with transcriptions of comments on our YouTube page: Feedback from the Deaf audience
Some of the Deaf people and businesses that have presented in previous years include:
Deaf Fashion Designers – Queesra & King – Chris and Queesra King
Presenters Queesra and King
Deaf Businesswoman who has set up a charity – DeafParenting UK – Sabina Iqbal
Presenters DeafParenting UK Sabina Iqbal
 Deaf Employability Charity  – DeafRoots – Anga Kuru
Presenters DeafRoots Anga Kuru
We very much look forward to hearing from you and sharing your story!

Wednesday 9 July 2014


If you want to go outside the UK, you can meet new deaf international friends with various sign languages and have fun on a summer holiday in Split, Croatia this summer.
There are many activities to do, including a Boat Party, Beach Volleyball Tournament, and Netball Tournament.

To confirm attendance visit Facebook at:

Tuesday 8 July 2014


Got your A-Level and thinking about University? Congratulations!

 If you are thinking about a University place and applying for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) please contact us!

See what other deaf students we have supported have to say: -
 “Terra helped me fill in the DSA form and made sure I had an interpreter for my assessment so I could explain everything I had before at college and what I needed for university….”
 “I had three different notetakers through my course and they were all great – understood my style and made sure the notes were Deaf friendly….”
 “Terra sorted out interpreters for all my lectures and seminars from my timetable, and when it all changed last minute, they did it all again for me. Thanks for saving me all that time and stress!”
 “The Disability team at my University were not really Deaf Aware, so Terra were able to make them understand what support I needed and I got a 2:1, so I am very happy and grateful….’’
If you want to go University this year or next year, be aware that the Government has announced changes to DSA which may affect you!
Before it’s too late you need to do the following things:
  1. Before you start Higher Education, think about what you would like to study – does it follow on from what you did in your A-Levels? Will it help you get the job you want in future?
  2. Do some research on courses and different Universities – which have a good reputation? Not just the course and university, but what about their Deaf support?
  3.  Apply to UCAS if you are planning to go to university to get into the clearing system if you cannot get your first choices of place.
  4.  Apply to Student Finance England (SFE) to secure a loan if you need one.
  5.  Apply for the Disability Student Allowance (DSA)
  6.  Arrange for a  Needs Assessment Report to be done – there are Assessment Centres around the country, so there could be one near you! Terra can arrange it for you too.
You must make sure you apply well in advance of your course start date. This is very important as you may not be provided with all the support you need such as a BSL interpreter or a note taker. You are entitled to these so do not leave it too late.
Also, check with the University you are thinking about if they will offer extra support if needed. If your DSA budget only covers a BSL interpreter or Communication Support Worker, will they provide a Notetaker for you? ASK!
Are you confused already? Is this too complicated for you?
Do not worry! Just contact Terra – we are here to help!
We have all the answers and will help to ensure you have all the access and support that is needed for a smooth start of your new course.
To make an appointment with us text, call, Skype, Tango, FaceTime us: