Tuesday 10 June 2014


This year I am going to the 4th Deaf Christmas Business Show on the 6th of December 2014. I tell you my reason below.
I attended a Deaf Careers Fair on 7th May 2014. This event was organised to address issues about unemployment and underemployment of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities. It was pledged they would provide stalls and workstations.

The event description gave me the impression that I could arrive at the event as and when I wish and that there would be a wide range of stalls around the room to visit. As soon as I arrived, I was told from other attendee that I was late and it turned out it was actually a conference event.  It was confusing as I was expecting the Deaf Careers Fair, not a string of presentations.

Despite this, the speakers’ presentations were interesting and useful in some ways. However, I felt that they did not give us any job opportunities as I was expecting to find some job prospects or advice about employment on the stalls, and there were no workshops which was disappointing. I think that some stalls were not really appropriate for this event.
A few attendees I spoke to found this event either boring or not much help. One attendee commented that she brought her CV with her, expecting to receive advice or support with her CV and career advice but she was disappointed to discover that there was no support  like this available . The organiser reported that they had provided some career support in the morning but no attendees came. It may be due to a communication breakdown.
Overall, the event was not bad, since it was a first time event, I think if they build on the first event and make some small improvements it will be great.
For the above, this year I will attend Deaf Christmas Business Show. It is much more fun and useful. One gets to network with really nice people and mingle with business-minded circuits. I would recommend visit to Deaf Christmas Business Show to all those aspiring to attain sustainable employment or set up their businesses.

See you 6th December at the Clarkenwell Centre at the 4th Deaf Christmas Business Show

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